Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday suspended an official for dereliction of duty, days after removing him from the post of director of secondary education following a class 12 English question paper leak. Vinay Pandey was removed as director of secondary education on April 21 and was posted as the director of literacy alternative education, Urdu and oriental languages.
UP: Former director of secondary education Vinay Pandey suspended
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday suspended an official for dereliction of duty, days after removing him from the post of director of secondary education following a class 12 English question paper leak.
A tweet by the chief minister's office read, "Another strict action by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over negligence in the discharge of official duties. The then Director of Education (secondary) suspended." He has ordered the suspension of the then director of education (secondary) who was found prima facie guilty of not discharging official duties properly, negligence and indifference towards government works and non-compliance of government-level instructions, it added.
The exam of the Uttar Pradesh secondary school board was cancelled in 24 districts after the question paper was leaked in Ballia last month. Adityanath had ordered invoking the stringent National Security Act in the case. The cancelled examination was held again on April 13.