Lakhimpur Kheri: In a shocking incident, a doctor died of a heart attack while playing with his daughters in Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh on July 26. It is learnt that Dr Rajesh Mohan Gupta, a native of Varanasi, who has been living in a rented apartment in the Kashinagar area for the last five years, was playing with his twin daughters when he had a massive heart attack and he died on the spot.
Unaware of the death of the father, the daughters kept playing with their mother's vermilion and smeared it on their father's face and sometimes on clothes. Dr Gupta's wife, Dr Veena Gupta, who returned from duty in the evening kept knocking at the door but to no avail. The wife, who entered inside by breaking the door with the help of neighbours, was shocked to see her husband lying on the bed in an unconscious state and both the twin daughters were playing on the dead body.