Kanpur:A 19-year-old Dalit man was brutally beaten with bamboo sticks allegedly by family members of his upper caste girlfriend in a village in Kanpur Dehat district with three men arrested in connection with the case on Saturday, police said. The incident took place in Aghu Kamalpur village of Akbarpur area on Thursday but came to light on Friday evening when a video clip of the incident went viral on social media prompting the police to lodge an FIR, said a senior police official.
As they pummel the man, he is asked to name his caste. Upon learning that he is from a Scheduled Caste, the blows get brutal and more insistent, said the official. The victim identified as Sarvan Sankhwar, a painter, had gone to Aghu Kamalpur village to meet his girlfriend who belongs to an upper caste family, said Superintendent of Police (Kanpur Dehat) Keshav Kumar Chaudhary.
When the girl's family spotted Sankhwar, they pulled him by his hair, allegedly tied him to a pole and started beating him with sticks and even hit his private parts, the SP said. After coming to know about the video, the Akbarpur police called Sankhwar to the police station and filed an FIR based on his statement, said Additional SP Ghanshyam Chaurasia.