Noida: Police deployed on Kanwar Yatra duty in Gautam Buddh Nagar have distributed helmets and national flags to the pilgrims returning from Haridwar on two-wheelers, officials here said. The police in Gautam Buddh Nagar, adjoining Delhi in western Uttar Pradesh, have already set up a control room in Noida to facilitate the movement of Kanwars through the city.
"In the month of Shravan, Shiva devotees have started bringing Ganga water from Haridwar. In view of this, all preparations have been completed by Gautam Budh Nagar Police, arrangements for all Kanwar routes have been ensured," a police spokesperson said. "In view of the traffic rules, helmets were provided by the police officers and police station in-charges and tricolor flags were presented to the devotees riding on two wheelers (on Thursday)," the spokesperson said.