Lucknow: The Yogi 2.0 government Monday announced the portfolios of the ministers. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has kept the Home department with himself. Overall, he will look at 34 departments. Deputy Chief Minister Brijesh Pathak has got the crucial Health Ministry while Jiten Prasad has been given the PWD ministry.
UP cabinet portfolios: Yogi Adityanath keeps Home, Deputy CM gets health
The state has two deputy chief ministers, 18 cabinet ministers, 14 ministers of state (independent charge) and 20 ministers of state. Five of the 52 ministers are women.
UP cabinet portfolios: Yogi Adityanath keeps Home, Deputy CM gets health
Sanjay Nishad has been given the Fisheries ministry while Nitin Agarwal gets Excise Ministry. In its second term, Yogi Adityanath and his cabinet were sworn in on March 25. The state has two deputy chief ministers, 18 cabinet ministers, 14 ministers of state (independent charge) and 20 ministers of state. Five of the 52 ministers are women.