New Delhi/Lucknow:A special team of the Uttar Pradesh police on Tuesday searched the Delhi house of Islamic cleric Kaleem Siddiqui who has been arrested in connection with a probe into alleged illegal religious conversions, officials said.
The searches were carried out on three other locations linked to Siddiqui in Shaheen Bagh, a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood in the national capital, by the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of the UP Police, the officials said.
The searches were carried out with support from the local units of the Delhi Police in Shaheen Bagh in the Jamia Nagar area, the UP Police said in a statement.
"Searches were carried out at four locations, including the house of Siddiqui, in Shaheen Bagh area of Delhi during which several electronic gadgets and important documents were seized," the UP police said.
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