Saharanpur: The Uttar Pradesh ATS has said that one of the three suspected terrorists arrested recently was in regular touch with his handlers from across the border who used to provide him with written directions through PDF files. As per the ATS, one of the accused Nadeem was nabbed by ATS from Saharanpur and Sabauddin, who is linked with ISIS and got arrested from Azamgarh, is trained for executing Guerrilla or Lone wolf attacks even as an 'automatic knife' was recovered from them.
The third accused Habibul Islam (19) aka Saifullah was arrested from Kanpur on Sunday. It is said that Saifullah was an expert at creating virtual iIDs and he had made 50 such IDs for militants from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Besides, Saifullah was in contact with many handlers sitting in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As per the UP ATS Saifullah, who was brought from Fatehpur to Kanpur by the ATS has revealed that many others among his acquaintances in Kanpur are also associated with him in this terrorist group.
Nadeem in particular was in touch with terrorist organizations across the border and has been getting directions through PDF files translated from English into Urdu at Deoband, the ATS said. It said that Nadeem who has studied only till standard 8 and could not read Urdu by himself, used to get the translated literature read by a fellow student at Deoband.
In the interrogation by the ATS, Nadeem told them that he had gone to Deoband 18 times to read the PDF files. Nadeem's connections have also been found in other cities of UP besides Bihar and Jharkhand. The ATS had recovered many suspicious items including documents related to terrorists, several mobile numbers, PDF files in mobile phones, and a toolkit for making bombs, from Nadeem.