Lucknow:With the UP Assembly Polls 2022 just a few weeks away, the Bahujan Samaj Party on Sunday released a list of 30-star campaigners. The Election Commission approved the list which was submitted on Sunday. The BSP's star campaigners who would lead the campaign, include the party's National President and former Chief Minister Mayawati, her brother Anand Kumar, as well as BSP's National General Secretary Satish Chandra Mishra.
Apart from these, the star campaigners of BSP include Munkad Ali, Samsuddin Raine, Satpal Peepla, Gore Lal Yadav, Rajkumar Gautam, Suraj Singh Jatav, Ashirwad Arya, Nakul Dubey, Pradeep Jatav, Pratap Singh Baghel, Dinesh Kumar, Kamal Singh Raj, and Kartar Singh Nagar, among others.