Lucknow:Krishna Patel, president of Apna Dal party, on Friday said that there is a possibility that she will be murdered just like her husband Dr. Sone Lal Patel. She made the statement with reference to the harassment she is facing ever since she formed an alliance with Samajwadi Party (SP).
While talking to the media on Friday at the SP office, she complained about the frequent harassment of various forms. Patel said, "Since the day I took the first step at the Samajwadi Party office, I am being harassed in various ways. Sometimes I am told that I should have an alliance with the Samajwadi Party. Sometimes I am told not to go to certain areas. Sometimes I am asked not to talk about the caste census."
She also informed the media that her account was sealed without her knowledge and some senior people in her trust were also arrested. "Wherever I go, my location is asked through calls from different numbers. Sometimes the caller says that he is speaking from Local Intelligence Unit (LIU), sometimes they say they are journalists. The CBI is not properly investigating the murder of my husband, there have been no updates on it to date. I can be killed in the same way as my husband," she said.