New Delhi: India's foreign secretary Harsh V Shringla on Saturday said that unity is very pertinent when it comes to Afghanistan. The Quad meeting was very useful in putting together the objectives the leaders had for Afghanistan, FS Shringla said after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address at the UNGA session and conclusion of a successful US visit.
He said that India will work with its regional and global partners to carry out the evacuation of Afghans from the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Shringla noted that during his address at the UNGA, PM Modi reiterated that it is necessary to ensure that Afghan soil should not be used as a breeding ground for terrorism and to carry out terror attacks.
Foreign Secretary Harsh V Shringla said, "PM also spoke about UNSC, in particular, our contribution to the issue of maritime security in the UNSC. We had held the Presidency of Security Council, a very successful Presidency". Our Permanent Representative has to take a great amount of that credit for Presidency that outlined shaped thinking in many new areas, the highlight for which was PM sharing the open debate in Security Council on the issue of maritime security, Shringla added.