Kolkata (West Bengal): Union Minister Subhas Sarkar on Wednesday stoked a major controversy having allegedly opined that Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore's mother had refused to embrace him in his childhood due to his not so fair skin colour. The remarks drew angry reactions from West Bengal's ruling All India Trinamool Congress saying that it was an insult to the Nobel Laureate and state icon. However, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had defended the minister, saying that his remarks were against 'racism' and that it was misconstrued.
Sarkar had made the remarks while attending an event at the Visva-Bharati University at Bolpur- Santiniketan in West Bengal. He said this while the vice-chancellor of the central university was sitting beside him at the function. "The other members of the Tagore family were extremely fair. But Rabindranath Tagore’s skin colour was not fair. For that reason, many of his family members including his mother refused to embrace him in his childhood. However, later he became world-famous," Sarkar said.