Pune:Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will embark on a three-day tour of Baramati Lok Sabha segment in Maharashtra from Thursday as a part of the BJP's 'Pravas' campaign to strengthen the organisation in 144 Lok Sabha constituencies in the country. The BJP has launched a campaign to boost the party's base in 144 Lok Sabha constituencies across the country including Baramati and 15 other seats in Maharashtra.
Maharashtra has a total of 48 Lok Sabha seats. During the three-day visit to NCP chief Sharad Pawar's stronghold, Sitharaman is scheduled to visit all six Assembly segments - Baramati, Purandar, Indapur, Daund, Bhor and Khadakwasla - which come under the Baramati Lok Sabha constituency, a BJP leader said.
Pawar's daughter and NCP leader Supriya Sule is currently the Lok Sabha member from Baramati. During the 'Pravas' campaign, Sitharaman will meet BJP cadres, hold meetings with the party's district office- bearers and also interact with the core committee members of the Lok Sabha constituency, a party functionary said.