Lakhimpur Khiri:Taking a U-turn from his earlier remarks calling farmer leader Rakesh Tikait 'Do Kaudi Ka Aadmi', Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra Teni while replying to a volley of questions posed by reporters, said that Rakesh Ji's stature is not below par. Clearing the air regarding his controversial remarks, Teni said, "Rakesh Tikait Ji is not a person of this level. Some people have been trying to create confusion."
A video of the Union Minister had gone viral on social media earlier wherein he was heard calling farmer leader Rakesh Tikait 'Do Kaudi Ka Aadmi' at his Lakhimpur office on Tuesday. Teni made some controversial and degrading comments about the farmer leader. Refuting the allegations leveled against him, he said that he has not done any wrongdoing to date. Ajay Mishra, who is the Member of Parliament from the Kheri Lok Sabha constituency, had accused Tikait of 'being a leader who thrives on controversies'.