Chennai:Tamil Nadu Minister Mano Thankaraj on Thursday demanded an explanation from Union Minister Nitin Gadkari as to why the latter failed to stand up when the Thamizh Thaai (Tamil Invocation Song) was played at an event which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Minister Thankaraj took to Twitter and wrote, "By not standing up when the Thamizh Thaai (Tamil Invocation Song) was being played, Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways @nitin_gadkari has insulted the entire Tamil people. The Minister should explain to the people, the reason for his arrogant and irresponsible act."
It is known that PM Modi had unveiled several infra projects worth Rs 31,500 crore at an event held at the Chennai Nehru Indoor Stadium yesterday. Union Minister Gadkari had taken part in the event in virtual mode.