Vadodara (Gujarat):Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday asked the youth never to abandon their mother tongue. Addressing the graduating students of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda here at its 71st convocation, he also asked them to study the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. "I would like to tell all degree-holders that do whatever in your life, but never abandon your mother tongue. Come out of this inferiority complex that (mastering a particular) language will give you acceptance," he said, speaking in Hindi.
"Language is an expression and not a substance. There can be any language for expression. When a person thinks and conducts research and analysis in his mother language, the capacity for the same increases many times. Along with the analysis, it increases his capacity for logic and decision-making," he said. One's mother tongue is the best medium for personality development, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said.
"The languages of our country have the best grammar, literature, poetry and history, and unless we enrich them, we cannot improve the future of our country," Shah added. For this reason, Prime Minister Narendra Modi thought of "making mother tongue compulsory in primary education" under the NEP, he said. He also urged the graduating students to study the NEP, which he said will clear their concepts about the use of education.
The NEP includes "Maharaja Sayajirao's idea of accessible education, Sardar Patel's idea of empowerment, Ambedkar's idea of knowledge, Aurobindo's idea of cultural and nationalistic education and Gandhi's emphasis on mother tongue," Shah said. Sayajirao Gaekwad III, the erstwhile ruler of the Baroda state, tried to establish an exemplary governance system, he said.