New Delhi:Minister of Civil Aviation, Jyotiraditya Scindia along with Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated a direct flight from Bilaspur to Indore on Monday. The flight will operate between Bilaspur-Indore-Bilaspur effective from October 3, 2022. It will operate every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday on this route.
Union Min Scindia, CM Baghel inaugurate direct flight from Bilaspur to Indore
The central government is committed to taking the civil aviation sector to newer heights and improving air connectivity in every part of the country.
In his address, Minister of Civil Aviation, Jyotiraditya Scindia said, "this new air connectivity will facilitate people of both the states and contribute to the economic development of the regions." The Minister further added that the Ministry is working to operationalise 200 destinations including heliports and water aerodromes by 2026. The central government is committed to taking the civil aviation sector to newer heights and improving air connectivity in every part of the country.
Bilaspur and Indore are prominent cities in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh respectively. Enhanced air connectivity between these cities will help bolster tourism and trade activities in the region and contribute to their overall economic development. (ANI)