New Delhi: Against the backdrop of an upsurge in Covid19 cases across India, Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Thursday reviewed the country's preparedness to deal with a possible third wave, in an empowered group meeting in New Delhi.
Bhalla who chaired the Empowered Group 10-pandemic response and coordination was also joined by the national task force chairman on Covid19 Dr VK Paul and other senior health ministry officials.
Government sources told ETV Bharat that the meeting elaborately discussed the availability of hospital beds, oxygen, and other critical components which we required to fight against an upsurge of a pandemic.
It may be mentioned here that the Central government in May last year formed 10-empowered groups to deal with the pandemic. "It was informed in the meeting that India's health infrastructure has been revamped keeping in mind the virulent character of the pandemic," the sources said.
The meeting also emphasized ramping up Covid testing across the country. In fact, the union health ministry has also asked all States and Union Territories (UTs) to set up district and sub-district control rooms for Covid management. It was further emphasized in the meeting to augment existing Covid dedicated health infrastructure by roping in the private sector. "Emphasis has been given for rural and pediatric infrastructure," sources said.