New Delhi: Following the outbreak of the Nipah virus in Kozhikode district of Kerala, the Union Health Ministry has asked the State government to strengthen hospital and community-based surveillance. On the other hand, the health ministry has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to screen all fever patients for dengue, malaria, scrub typhus and leptospirosis following the outbreak of dengue.
The instruction was given after two Central teams deputed in these two States submitted their report to the health ministry. A Central team from National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) visited the Kozhikode district of Kerala on September 5 in the wake of the Nipah outbreak in that district. The team interacted with the family members of 12 year-old-child who died of infection.
Based on the report of the central team, the health ministry emphasised that awareness need to be created among the field formations for early detection of cases of acute encephalitis syndrome/respiratory distress and risk communicated to the public. In a letter sent to Kerala chief secretary Dr VP Joy, union health secretary Rajesh Bhushan suggested five points recommendations to fight the Nipah virus.
Read: Kerala authorities intensify efforts to trace origin of Nipah virus