New Delhi:The Central government reportedly approved a 33 per cent Reservation Bill for Women in the Lok Sabha and Assemblies, according to sources. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to announce the decision officially on Tuesday, sources added. The decision was reportedly taken in the Union Cabinet that met here on Monday, on the first day of the special session of Parliament, amid speculation that it may clear some important legislative proposals. However, there was no official word on the agenda items before the Cabinet, the meeting of which was chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Ever since it was announced that the Parliament session would be held from September 18 to 22, there have been speculations on various bills, including the Women's Reservation Bill, that may come up during the session.
Also read:A tribute to heart of democracy: PM Modi sings paeans to Indian Parliament in 75 years
The Cabinet meeting was convened to discuss the agenda for the ongoing special session of Parliament. Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Pralhad Joshi and others called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah ahead of the Cabinet meeting.
"The meeting was held in the evening after the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned for the day. The two Houses will hold their sittings in the new Parliament building on Tuesday.", "Both Houses were adjourned on Monday after a discussion on Parliamentary democracy in the last 75 years with the presiding officers stating that the proceedings will commence on Tuesday afternoon in the new Parliament building."
"Lok Sabha Speaker said that the House has been adjourned and will meet at 1.15 pm in the new Parliament building.", "Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar adjourned the House and said it will meet at 2:15 pm in the new Parliament building.", "The two Houses discussed ‘Parliamentary Journey of 75 years starting from Samvidhan Sabha – Achievements, Experiences, Memories and Learnings’ on the first day of the Special Session of Parliament with Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiating the debate in Lok Sabha.", "The Special Session will continue till September 22. (With agency inputs)