Mumbai:One of the accused in the Umesh Kolhe murder, Shahrukh Pathan, was beaten up by five of his fellow inmates in Arthur Road Jail on Monday morning. A case has been registered against the group of inmates who allegedly assaulted him. The inmates involved in the attack have been identified as Kalpesh Patel, Hemant Maneria, Arvind Yada, Shravan Avan, and Sandeep Jhadav.
Speaking to media, Shahrukh Pathan's lawyer Ali Kaashif Khan, condemned the attack and said, "First of all, this is a very unfortunate incident. People are presuming that certain people are involved in the alleged murder case of Umesh Kolhe due to which these kinds of activities are taking place inside the jail. It is very shocking. But we are thankful to the police department for registering the case rightfully. We believe in the law of the land and hope that such activities do not take place once again. Such activities should be condemned."
Also read:Inmate attacked in Tihar jail over watching TV
Shahrukh Pathan was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on charges of killing Umesh Kolhe, a medical professional from Amravati, for supporting Nupur Sharma. Irfan Sheikh is said to be the mastermind behind the murder. He runs a non-governmental organisation by the name of Rahbar. He had allegedly instructed the accused to kill Umesh Kolhe. The police in its initial investigation suspected it to be a case of loot and murder, but after 12 days, the Amravati city police concluded that the reason behind Umesh Kolhe's murder was Nupur Sharma's post. The case was then handed over to the NIA, which had sent the accused to judicial custody till 5th August.
Among the accused arrested by the NIA so far are Irfan Khan (32), Mudassar Ahmed alias Sonu Raza Sheikh Ibrahim (22), Shahrukh Pathan alias Badshasha Hidayat Khan (25), Abdul Taufiq alias Nanu Sheikh Taslim ( 24), including Shoaib Khan alias Bhurya Sabir Khan (22), Atib Rashid Adil Rashid (22), Yusuf Khan Bahadur Khan (44). The NIA informed the court that many evidences have been found of the accused being involved with a terrorist organisation. However, NIA has not disclosed the name of the terrorist organisation. A case under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) related to terrorist organisation has been registered against the accused.