New Delhi: Delhi violence accused Umar Khalid, during the hearing of his bail plea, denied the allegations that 250 Bangladeshi women had come to participate in the protest at the behest of Umar Khalid's father. Advocate Tridip Payas, appearing from Umar's side, said that the police is bringing a Popular Front angle in the case just to complicate things. The next hearing on this matter will be on January 5, 2022.
Payas in his claims said, "as the witness is claiming that 250 Bangladeshi women had reached for demonstration, it means witness is a superman who knew each and every woman personally. And nothing illegal had happened in the demonstration while Umar Khalid was giving his speech. Police recall witnesses after they record their statement before the magistrate as they don't get anything as per they want,"
On November 29, Umar Khalid had said that when a witness had informed the police about the complete plan of the riot, then why did the police allow the riots to happen. Payas cited the statement of a protected witness to say that he was in constant touch with the SHO of Seelampur. The witness had met the SHO in January 2020 and SHO had asked him to keep updating. In such a situation, when the Delhi Police was already aware, then why did they allow the riots to happen. Why didn't the SHO register an FIR?
During the hearing on November 8, advocate Tridip Payas, had said that "there was no evidence to prove that he was involved in the conspiracy. None of the witnesses or evidence proves anything that Umar Khalid had hatched any conspiracy for the Delhi violence. Neither Khalid was sent to any place by the organizers of the protests, but despite that Umar Khalid is lodged in jail,"
"there is a statement of a chaiwala that Umar Khalid plotted the Delhi riots, but it is ridiculous why a conspirator would reveal his entire plan to a chaiwala. It is clear from this that someone else has written that statement." Payas argued further