Rishikesh: The Uttarakhand police on Friday arrested three people including Pulkit Arya, the son of former minister and BJP leader Vinod Arya, in a murder case of a 19-year-old receptionist identified as Ankita Bhandari. The victim had been missing for the past 5 days from the Vanantara resort where she was employed as a receptionist, while the resort is owned by Pulkit Arya, the prime accused.
The matter came to light when the family of the victim, concerned over her absence with no contact, reached out to the police. When the resort owner inquired about her absence, he pretended to be oblivious to the matter and even went ahead to file a complaint under pretense. "The girl went missing 5-6 days back. The area of the resort didn't come under a regular PS area. There's a patwari Police system here, and an FIR was registered under that. It was done on behalf of the resort owner," said Uttarakhand DGP Ashok Kumar.
Also read:Lakhimpur Kheri Dalit sisters rape-murder case: SIT recovers items from crime spot