New Delhi:With the deadline to respond to the politically-sensitive issue of uniform civil code (UCC) ending on Friday, the Law Commission has so far received over 50 lakh views online on the subject. Besides online responses received on its website, the Commission has also received "hard copies", sources said on Thursday, adding that the final number would be much higher.
Some organisations have approached the law panel seeking personal hearing on UCC. While it scrutinises the responses, it would take a call on inviting the organisations for a personal hearing, the sources said. On June 14, the Law Commission initiated a fresh consultation process on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) by seeking views from stakeholders, including public and recognised religious organisations, on the politically sensitive issue.
Earlier, the 21st Law Commission, the term of which ended in August 2018, examined the issue and solicited the views of all stakeholders on two occasions. Subsequently, a consultation paper on "Reforms of Family Law" was issued in August 2018. "Since more than three years have lapsed from the date of issuance of the said consultation paper, bearing in mind the relevance and importance of the subject and also the various court orders on the subject, the 22nd Law Commission of India considered it expedient to deliberate afresh over the subject," the panel had said in a 'public notice'.