Mahabubabad: Demonstrating a lopsided pupil-teacher ratio, there are only four students in a government school in Telangana's Mahabubabad District for which the authorities have posted two teachers. At the Government Primary School in Dantalapalli Mandal, the two teachers would teach 15 students but due to Covid-19 hiatus, the enrollment has now decreased to a mere four.
Telangana: A school with two teachers and four students
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected student enrolment over the last couple of years. However, the teachers have not lost hope.
Telangana: A school with two teachers and four students
"The reason is that some of the locals migrated to other places for work and took their kids with them. The COVID-19 pandemic further adversely affected student enrolment over the last couple of years," said one of the teachers. The teachers have not lost hope. "If we keep on trying we may convince other parents to send their children to school," he said.