Bengaluru:Two police constables identified as Shivakumar and Santhosh under Koramangala police station, appointed as security officers at the R.T. Nagar residence of CM Bommai, were arrested for allegedly running a drug racket, and selling 'ganja' in Bengaluru, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday.
According to police, "The accused have obtained drugs from drug peddlers and sold them to customers. The accused policemen had received drugs through Dunzo (an app that delivers groceries and essentials, fruits and vegetables, meat, pet supplies, food, and medicines in major cities) near the residence of Chief Minister Bommai to avoid any suspicion."
According to sources, while the two accused were receiving the drugs, they had an argument with the drug peddlers over payment issue. The accused were arrested upon suspicion as they have received the parcel of 'ganja' near the CM Bommai's residence already.