Hyderabad:In a tragic incident in the Nizamabad district of Telangana where a newborn was sold by his parents, who could not afford to look after him. The boy was sold for Rs 20,000 soon after he was born. Bhimavva and Komuraiah, a couple from the Siddipet district, are living in a tent at Mahalakshmi Nagar on the outskirts of Ghanpur village in the Dichpalli mandal of Nizamabad district. Bhimavva, who is pregnant, was admitted to the Dichpalli Government Hospital. Doctors discharged her after she gave birth to a baby boy.
Soon after birth, the newborn baby was sold for Rs 20,000. The news came to light when the health staff questioned them after learning about the matter. Authorities concerned said they were told by the couple that as they could not afford to raise the child so they had given the baby boy to their relatives. The baby was rushed to the Nizamabad District Government Hospital. The Dichpalli police said a case was registered and they took up investigation.
Read:Baby sold by parents for Rs 22,000 rescued in Hyderabad
A similar incident took place in the Bhadradri Kothagudem district. A father sold his baby boy for money and said to his wife that their son died before he was born. However, the Anganwadi teacher brought the incident to light. Chilakamma, who lives in Allipalli village of West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, was admitted to a private hospital at Ashwaraopet in Bhadradri Kothagudem district with labour pains on March 3. She gave birth to a baby boy on that day. However, she lost consciousness during childbirth. Chilakamma's husband Ghanta Arun Kumar, mother-in-law Mary, RMP doctors Buchibabu and Srinivasa Rao from the Chintalapudi took the newborn baby boy from her mother and sold him to some people, who are from Vishakapatnam for Rs 2 lakhs.
Chilakamma, who regained consciousness, was taken to her hometown saying that the baby had died in her womb. She stayed at home assuming that the baby is dead. She already has a five-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. However, her mother-in-law Mary used to take her two children to the local Anganwadi centre. One day she took her grandchildren to the Anganwadi centre and asked for eggs and other nutritious food for her third grandchild. She got into a fight with Anganwadi teacher Vijayalakshmi and Nagamani for eggs and nutritious food yet again. They asked Mary how they would give food as she told them that their third grandchild was dead in his mother's womb before birth.
The Anganwadi teacher Vijayalakshmi grew suspicious of Mary's behaviour and started to enquire about her then she had found that she and her son, along with RMPs, sold the newborn. The teacher lodged a complaint with the Ashwaraopet police. In turn, SI Aruna registered a case and assured the mother that they would bring her child very soon.