Noida:The Uttar Pradesh police have arrested two Haryana-based men who allegedly duped e-commerce giant Amazon of lakhs of rupees, the officials said on Monday. The accused, both natives of Hisar district in Haryana, were arrested by officials of the Cyber Crime police station in Noida who were investigating the case, they said.
The accused have been identified as Anil alias Alok Singh (27), a BSc graduate, and Sachin Jain (30), a Class 12 pass, the UP police said in a statement.
"The duo had created at least 99 accounts on Amazon website using forged identification. They had linked several bank accounts of various banks to these Amazon accounts which were used by them to order electronic products. It would either be prepaid or cash on delivery (COD) orders," the statement read.
"However, after receiving the goods, they would sell them off at cheap prices in Delhi's Gaffar Market and then contact Amazon, saying they wanted to return the products as they were ''defective''," it added.
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