Mysuru/Mangaluru: The terror of wild elephants persists in Karnataka as two persons were killed in two separate attacks by wild elephants on Saturday. In one of the incidents, a man was killed while his son was left seriously injured at Kottikal near Shiradi in the Uppinangadi forest area. The deceased has been identified as Thimmappa (45), while his son Sharan (18) is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Mangaluru.
As informed by sources, Thimmappa is a resident of Shiradi Janata Colony. He and his son were on their way to work when a wild elephant attacked them near Kottikal. Uppinangadi police and forest department officials visited the incident site and conducted an inspection.
In another similar incident in Mysuru, a forest guard was killed, while another one managed to escape the elephant attack late at night on Saturday. The deceased identified as Mahadevaswamy (36) was recovered dead near Sollapur in the Metikuppe forest area of Nagarhole National Park.