Panaji: The ruling BJP in Goa lost two MLAs in quick succession on Monday, after Pravin Zantye, a sitting MLA from the Mayem resigned as a legislator and from the party's primary membership.
The resignation followed hours after Ports Minister in the BJP-led government Michael Lobo, resigned as Minister, MLAs and from the party."The party I had joined on the word and assurance of former Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar is not the same party today," Zantye told reporters after resigning from the party. Zantye said that he would be joining the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party soon.
Earlier on Monday, Lobo had said that he was quitting as Minister and from the BJP, accusing party leaders of sidelining grassroots workers."It has been quite a good, long journey with BJP. BJP workers are unhappy with the party. Maybe I am wrong also. I have seen with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears," Lobo said, adding that the party functioned differently after the demise of Parrikar.
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