Guwahati: The NIA on Saturday arrested two persons from Sonakhira village in Assam's Karimganj district for alleged links with Maoists. According to sources, an NIA team raided the house of a married couple identified as Raju Orang and Pinki Orang from Sonakhira village. The couple was arrested by the Central agency sleuths following the raid.
NIA nabs a couple for links with Maoist group
Sources said that NIA seized various items including laptops, paper cuttings of various newspapers, maps, books, and two mobile phones which indicated their alleged links with Maoists.
Two by NIA for links with Maoist group
Sources said that NIA seized various items including laptops, paper cuttings of various newspapers, maps, books, and two mobile phones which indicated their alleged links with Maoists. They further revealed that top Maoist leaders used their house as a shelter several times. Currently, the two are being questioned by NIA. Last month top Maoist leader Arun Kumar Bhattacharya alias Kanchan Da was arrested from a tea garden in the Cachar district.