New Delhi: Two Border Security Force (BSF) personnel have been killed in an ambush by the militant group - National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) - in the early hours of Tuesday in Tripura. According to a press statement from the BSF, the personnel were killed after a gunfight broke out between the suspected NLFT militants and patrolling BSF jawans.
"At around 6:30 AM, an exchange of fire between the BSF patrolling and some militants took place in the general area of BOP RC Nath (64th battalion) under sector Panisagar in the bordering region under Chawmanu police station", said the press statement.
They said the ambush took place in the Dhalai district of the state and those killed included a Sub-Inspector of the force.
The personnel were identified as Sub-Inspector Bhuru Singh and Constable Raj Kumar.
“As per the blood strains available at the spot, militants have reportedly sustained some injuries. Both our martyrs have fought valiantly before succumbing to their injuries. A massive search operation has been launched in the area to nab the militants,” the press statement later added.