Srinagar:Srinagar Police on Tuesday arrested two people in relation to a grenade blast that took place near Amira Kadal bridge of Srinagar on Sunday evening. In a statement, the police said a case under sections 307 of IPC, sections 7/27 of the Indian arms act, and sections 16, 23 Unlawful Activities Prevention Act was registered at the Shaheed Gunj Police Station.
The incident occurring on Sunday injured 36 civilians and two police personnel, among whom two civilians later succumbed to their injuries, as per the release.
The accused, namely Mohd Bariq from Khanyar's Koolipora area and Fazil Nabi Sofi, who is also from the same area, was arrested by a Special Investigation Team formed by Srinagar SSP Rakesh Baliwal, headed by Lakshay Sharma, IPS SP South and consisting of Shabir Ahmed SDPO Kothibagh, Fayaz Hussain SDPO Shaheed gunj as well as others.