New Delhi: A Delhi court on Wednesday threw out MJ Akbar's criminal defamation case against journalist Priya Ramani who accused him of sexual harassment, saying a woman cannot be punished for raising her voice against such abuse.
The following is the timeline of M J Akbar's criminal defamation case against journalist Priya Ramani for her allegations of sexual harassment against him in which Delhi court acquitted her:
October 8, 2018: Priya Ramani names MJ Akbar in a tweet with a reference to a 2017 article she had written titled "To the Harvey Weinsteins of the World".
October 15, 2018: MJ Akbar files criminal defamation complaint before Delhi court.
October 17, 2018: MJ Akbar resigns as union minister.
January 29, 2019: Delhi court summons Priya Ramani as accused in the case.
February 25, 2019: Delhi court grants bail to Priya Ramani.
February 7, 2020: Court starts hearing final arguments in the case.