Agartala:The Supreme Court on Wednesday stayed the proceedings on the FIR filed by the Tripura Police against two women journalists accused of broadcasting false and fabricated news aimed at disrupting communal harmony. The two women journalists, identified as Samriddhi Sakunia and Swarna Jha, were detained and arrested by the Tripura Police last month on November 14.
A three-judge bench comprising Justice DY Chandrachud, Justice Surya Kant and Justice Vikram Nath heard the proceedings on a plea submitted by HW News Network - the media house the two journalists work for. The SC has ordered a stay on all the further proceedings in the FIR lodged by the Tripura police, and has issued the filing of a counter-affidavit by the petitioners within 4 weeks.
The journalists had claimed that they were being intimidated by the Tripura Police while they were reporting an incident of communal violence from the field. The involved police official had informed that a house owned by one Rahamat Ali in Kakraban, where regular religious prayers were conducted, was gutted in a fire on October 19, during a rally by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Both the journalists went there on November 11 and produced a small video in which they claimed damage to the Holy Quran.