New Delhi: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Tuesday informed that he discussed several state issues in his meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The chief minister apprised Shah of the development of Bru Rehabilitation in Tripura. He also informed the Union Home Minister about the obstacles being faced in the opening of Sainik Schools in the state. "It was an honour to meet with Hon'ble Home Minister, Adarnia @AmitShahJi. Apprised him about the development of Bru Rehabilitation in Tripura. Along with this, informed him about the obstacles being faced in the opening of Sainik School in the state," Deb tweeted.
After decades of waiting, internally displaced Bru people in Tripura have started to live in their permanent houses constructed under the quadripartite Bru resettlement pact signed in the year 2020. The Tripura Chief Minister also discussed the issue of Assam Rifles and was assured of all possible help from the Central Government by Shah.