Khowai (Tripura): As many as 14 Trinamool leaders were arrested under several bailable and one non-bailable sections in Khowai early on Monday morning and were later granted bail from a local court on the condition of Rs 50,000 personal bond. Soon after their arrest, TMC MP and the party's second in command Abhishek Banerjee landed in Tripura and rushed to Khowai by road to get them released. Banerjee was accompanied by a host of heavyweight TMC leaders that include Bratya Basu, Dola Sen, Kunal Ghosh and several others.
The showdown between both the parties triggered last Saturday when a group of TMC leaders were attacked in Ambassa town of Dhalai district in Tripura. During the attacks, Sudip Raha, one of the TMC leaders had even sustained head injuries and a number of vehicles were vandalised. Meanwhile, the TMC leaders somehow reached Khowai, however, the local police prevented them entering the town citing law and order deterioration and were later advised to stay there for the night.
Read:Lakhs deprived of Covid vaccines in Bengal due to TMC's partisan policies: Suvendu
But, all of a sudden, all the 14 leaders including Debangshu Bhattacharjee were arrested on charges of violating Covid norms. Banerjee who declared his Tripura tour late on Saturday evening through a tweet shortly after the ghastly attacks, went straight to Khowai to get his leaders released. Upon reaching Khowai with a team of lawyers and senior members of his party, he was shown black flags and slogans. However, he entered the police station and sat on a Dharna. Meanwhile, the 14 TMC leaders were produced before the Court and after hearing the arguments of both the sides they were granted bail late in the evening.
Amid all this, Trinamool leader Subal Bhowmik, who recently switched to TMC from the Congress having held a senior post in the BJP for a long time, was also attacked. His vehicle was also allegedly targeted by BJP miscreants. However, Bhowmik made it safe without facing any injuries in the clash, having received just a cut in his hand.