Agartala:Fourteen Bangladeshi nationals, including four children, were held in Tripura's Gomati district on Sunday for allegedly entering India illegally, police said. Acting on a tip-off, raids were conducted at two houses in Baishnabpur village near the international border, and the illegal immigrants were held, said Apu Das, the officer-in-charge of the Sabroom police station.
Tripura: 14 Bangladeshis held for illegally entering India
Acting on a tip-off, raids were conducted at two houses in Baishnabpur village near the international border, and the illegal immigrants were held, said Apu Das, the officer-in-charge of the Sabroom police station.
Published : Nov 12, 2023, 2:51 PM IST
"We also arrested three locals who provided shelter to these Bangladeshi nationals," he said. The 62-km border in Sabroom subdivision could not be fully fenced due to geographical problems, and human traffickers are using it as a result, Das said. "We are showing zero tolerance towards human trafficking. Those accused of assisting in infiltration are also being booked under stringent charges that deal with human trafficking," he said.