Khunti (Jharkhand): In a gruesome murder incident, three members of a family in Jharkhand's Khunti district were hacked to death with a sharp-edged weapon by unidentified assailants on Wednesday night. The incident was so frightening that family members of the deceased and villagers didn't report the incident for 24 hours to the police.
Later, Krishna Munda, the son-in-law of the family living in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, somehow came to know about the incident and informed other relatives, only then after police got the information, and a team of police personnel dispatched to the village. The dead bodies were recovered and sent for post-mortem after 40 hours of the incident. For now, neither the police officials nor the villagers are ready to utter a word about the incident.
According to the reports, the incident happened in an extremely remote Kodelebe village in the district, where at midnight, village head Bayar Singh Munda, his son Budhram Munda and his son's wife Mani Mundine were dragged from their house and taken 100 meters away to an isolated place and hacked to death with sharp-edged weapons as told by the some of the relatives of the deceased.