Jaipur: The Trinamool Congress on Wednesday filed a complaint with the ECI against the Leader of Opposition in the West Bengal assembly Suvendu Adhikari, alleging that he had been trying to put undue pressure on police officers for the forthcoming by-election to the Ballygunge assembly constituency in Kolkata. The complaint has been filed by the Trinamool Congress state general secretary and party spokesman, Kunal Ghosh, where Ghosh has appealed that criminal proceedings be started against Adhikari.
In a letter to the ECI submitted at the office of the Chief Election Officer (CEO), West Bengal, in Kolkata, Ghosh referred to an incident on March 28, 2022 when Adhikari allegedly went to Ravindra Sarovar police station in south Kolkata and threatened the officer-in-charge of the police station over the Ballygunge by-poll. The letter was addressed to the CEO, West Bengal, Ariz Aftab, a copy of which is available with IANS. Adhikari has, however, denied all the allegations against him.
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