Shimla: The body of a trekker, who died last Saturday, has been retrieved from a crevasse in Himachal Pradesh's Kinnaur district, officials said. The body was retrieved by a team of Dogra Scouts and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) Director Sudesh Mokhta said on Saturday. It will take two days to bring the body to Sangla, according to information received from the Deputy Commandant of the ITBP's 2nd Battalion Kullu (Nagasti Post), Mokhta said.
Trekker's body retrieved from crevasse after a week in HP's Kinnaur
The body was retrieved by a team of Dogra Scouts and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) Director Sudesh Mokhta said on Saturday.
Trekker's body retrieved from crevasse after a week in HP's Kinnaur
Three trekkers and six porters had gone missing at Kamlo Pass in Chitkul, Mokhta had said on September 3. Of them, one trekker and three porters reached Kinnaur, while two others and the remaining three porters did not return. One of the trekkers was injured and has been taken to Nagasati post, while the porters have also been rescued, he added. (PTI)