New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) will scan transactions made from the accounts of IAS officer Pooja Singhal in the last three years in connection with an ongoing prevention of money laundering case pertaining to the MGNREGA funds scam of around Rs 18 crore. ED sources have said that they will scan the transactions to check if there is any suspicious money trail. On Tuesday, Singhal, who is also the Jharkhand Mining Secretary, was grilled for hours at the ED's Ranchi zonal office. The probe agency is also scanning all her properties.
A source said that four cars which belong to Suman Kumar, the CA of Singhal's husband Abhishek Jha, have been seized as the payments made for the vehicles were found to be suspicious in nature. Kumar was arrested by the ED on May 7 and was placed under a five-day custody which is set to end on Wednesday. A whopping amount of cash amounting for Rs 19.31 crore was recovered in the raids, which is believed to be Singhal's money. The ED is trying to ascertain the source of the cash.