New Delhi:Six people, including two women, were on Wednesday arrested for allegedly assaulting a traffic inspector over issuing challan in south Delhi's CR Park, a video of which went viral on social media, police said. According to police, three people, including two women, were triple riding on a two-wheeler with a defective number plate and without helmets when they were stopped by a head constable. The trio was also coming from the wrong side, they said.
While the head constable issued a challan, the trio started an argument with him, a senior police officer said. An inspector, who was near the spot, intervened following which the trio assaulted him, he said. The accused then called three others to the spot and obstructed the traffic, police said.
In the viral video of the incident, three people are seen thrashing the inspector while two traffic police personnel are trying to rescue him. In another video, one of the women alleged that the inspector first slapped her. However, police have refuted the allegations and said the matter escalated over issuing a fine. Deputy Commissioner of Police (south) Benita Mary Jaiker said, On Wednesday around 10.30 am, traffic staff was on vehicle checking duty. During checking, Mohit (21), along with his two sisters, was coming on a motorcycle.