New Delhi:Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha MPs have sought a clear-cut answer from Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Central government on the Pegasus spyware issue. Trinamool Congress (TMC) has launched a scathing attack against the BJP government, with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee holding a presser over snooping case on Thursday while TMC MPs creating ruckus in New Delhi with Rajya Sabha MP Shantanu Sen snatching a copy of IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnav's statement on the Pegasus issue, tearing it up and throwing at Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh. The incident has led the House proceedings adjourned till Friday.
BJP objected to the behaviour of Shantanu Sen in the Rajya Sabha and also sought appropriate action against him but Sukhendu Shekhar Roy said that TMC does not even care whatever action is being taken. Meanwhile, Shantanu Sen accused Hardeep Puri of misbehaving with him. Following this, the TMC Rajya Sabha MPs, in a press conference, said that the party seeks a blunt answer from the government over Pegasus spyware allegations but the ministers are turning things around.
Read:|Ruckus in Rajya Sabha, TMC MPs snatch paper and throw at RS Deputy Chairman
They said that TMC wants to discuss an issue with the government but only after Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah give their statements in this regard in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. "We want both the houses of Parliament to run but all the issues related to the citizens of this country must be discussed. We have given notices in both the houses for discussion on Pegasus but the Centre did not pay heed to them," the TMC said.