Hubballi (Karnataka): The police detained the workers of Sri Rama Sena for staging a protest during the birth anniversary celebrations of Tipu Sultan at Idgah Maidan in Karnataka's Hubballi on Thursday. The Sena announced that they would not allow the celebrations to take place, but AIMIM party leaders went ahead with celebrations at Idgah Maidan.
The Hubballi-Dharwad Metropolitan Corporation(HDMC) accorded conditional permission for the celebrations. The permission was given at the request of AIMIM leaders. A huge posse of police personnel was deployed in and around the ground to maintain law and order. AIMIM party leaders paid tributes to Tipu Sultan by garlanding his portrait.
Later, they raised slogans of Sher Ae Hindustan in support of Tipu. As per the condition set by the Municipal Corporation, the celebrations were allowed till 12 pm. Meanwhile, Hindu activists, including Shri Ram Sena chief Pramod Muthalik, protested at Hubballi's Chennamma circle in opposition to the Tipu Sultan birth anniversary celebrations at Idgah Maidan in Hubballi.
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"We are against Tipu Jayanti. Tipu was a bigot, so his birth anniversary was not allowed to be celebrated anywhere in the state. We will stop at any cost. AIMIM is a traitorous party and we are against this. The decision of the Hubballi-Dharwad City Corporation to grant permission to celebrate Tipu Sultan birth anniversary was not correct. A PIL will be filed in the High Court against Tipu Jayanti celebrations," Shri Ram Sena chief Pramod Muthalik said.
Later, the workers of Sri Rama Sena were detained by the police when they attempted to stage the protest. The conditions set by Hubbali-Dharwad Metropolitan Corporation for the celebrations of Tipu's birth anniversary include a fee of Rs 10,000, a 20ft long and 30ft wide pandal should be installed and only a 3 by 5 feet Tipu portrait was allowed. Along with this, no other flag or portrait was allowed. Apart from this, no damages should be done to the property on the Idgah Maidan. At last, the celebrations were allowed till 12 pm.