Agartala: BJP government in the state is under stress as discontent is brewing within the party as well as the ruling alliance against the style of governance of Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb. Recently, Brishaketu Debbarma, the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) MLA, has resigned and speculations are rife of his joining the newly formed the Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance (TIPRA motha) headed by Pradyot Kishore Debbarman, the royal scion of Tripura.
Although Debbarma has cited personal reasons for his resignation, sources say his opinions has been silenced within the ruling coalition, where certain leaders are running their monopoly. The emergence of TIPRA motha has given Brishaketu another opportunity to strive for his political ambitions.
Following his resignation, speculations are rife of his imminent joining TIPRA motha. Recently, Pradyot Kishore Debbarman, the chairman of TIPRA motha, visited the residence of Brishaketu Debbarma on Thursday. He has rubbished any political link for his visit and cited that he is here to meet the MLA, who took a courageous step by resigning.
Pradyot Kishore Debbarman further added, "Leaders like Brishaketu are rare in today's politics. He has chosen ideology, not any post. So, it is imperative. He has earlier extended support to the demand of Greater Tipraland and if people like him join us putting aside the narrow political gains, it shall only bolster the movement."
Also read:IPFT MLA quits Assembly membership; setback for BJP-led alliance in Tripura