New Delhi: The Central Vigilance Commission said timely filing of immovable property returns by government officers is a mandatory pre-condition for vigilance clearance sought by the ministries for their empanelment for senior-level posts.
In an order, it cited a directive by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) that says that members of central civil services/posts who fail to submit annual immovable property returns (AIPR) of the relevant year within the prescribed time limit, would be denied vigilance clearance and they will not be considered for empanelment for senior-level posts in the Government of India.
As timely filing of AIPR is a mandatory pre-condition for vigilance clearance, all ministries/departments/organisations are requested to ensure that all officers, for whom vigilance input is solicited from the Commission, have filed AIPR within the stipulated time limit, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) said in the order.