New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Thursday asked how it was possible for the top court to frame legislation when it is in Parliament's jurisdiction. A bench headed by Chief Justice N.V. Ramana made this observation during a hearing of a plea seeking directions to the Centre to lay down a strict time frame for Speakers of Lok Sabha and state Assemblies and chairperson of Rajya Sabha to decide disqualification petitions filed against MPs/ MLA for defection to other parties.
The plea filed by a member of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) Ranajit Mukherjee also urged the court for directions of guidelines for Speakers to have a uniform process of decision-making in cases of defections across India. The counsel for the petitioner argued that the plea has been filed for guidelines and to decide defection cases in an urgent and time-bound manner. The bench also compromising A.S. Bopanna and Hrishikesh Roy noted that the prayers sought by the petitioner fall within the domain of Parliament and the court cannot frame laws. The bench said: "How can we frame legislation? There is a separate institution (Parliament) for that".
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