New Delhi: The three services are facing a combined shortage of 1,35,784 personnel with the Army having the highest number of vacancies at 1,16,464, the Government informed the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. The total shortage includes officers and soldiers.
Minister of State for Defence Ajay Bhatt stated in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on Monday that the average annual recruitment in Army, Navy and Air Force is 60,000, 5,332 and 5,723 respectively. The minister did not give a direct reply to a specific question on whether the average recruitment figure is more than the proposed annual intake of 'Agniveers' and, if so, how the shortage of manpower in the armed forces will be met. To this, Bhatt only said the matter is sub-judice in the Supreme Court.
Asked whether it is a fact that the Indian Army has not recruited any person in the last two years, he said "no". On the total shortage of manpower in all three armed forces, including both officer and non-officer rank personnel, Bhatt said the shortage in the Army as against the authorised strength was 1,16,464 as on January 1.
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