Moradabad(UP):A group of three bullies chopped off the private parts of a minor boy after his family refused to take back the charges of molestation of his sister made against one of the accused. The incident was reported from the Bhagatpur village on Wednesday and pertained to a molestation case filed about 3 months ago. The 12-year-old boy was admitted to a private hospital in the area and is currently in critical condition.
Three months ago, the accused identified as Bittu Singh had molested the 14-year-old daughter of a farmer in the same village. The accused had tried to sexually assault her but fled the spot when she protested and started screaming. The victim's father had filed a complaint at the Bhagatpur police station against Bittu.
As an investigation was launched into the incident, the accused started pressuring the family of the victim and proposed a settlement to take the case back. The family, however, refused the proposal, further adding to Bittu's rage. "They had come to our house once, asked us to take the complaint back if we want no harm. Later they also proposed a settlement with money but we refused," the victim's father said.