Agra (Uttar Pradesh):Police in Agra were successful in arresting three Railway Protection Force (RPF) personnel posted at Cantonment railway station on Tuesday for kidnapping a person and his relative and demanding Rs 4 lakh ransom for the duo's safe release.
With the arrest police claimed that the case was solved.The three RPF personnel — one a sub-inspector rank official identified as Suresh and two other constables Niraj and Parul — were arrested for allegedly abducting a cloth merchant Qazim and his brother in law. Both are residents of Abhaypura village in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh.
After receiving several WhatsApp calls demanding ransom of Rs 4 lakh, the relatives of Qazim filed a complaint with Malpura police station. Based on complaint report, a team was constituted under the leadership of Malpura SHO Tejveer Singh to crack the case.
DCP, West, Satyajeet Gupta said, "Prima facie it appears that it was a pre-planned conspiracy to abduct these two persons. The three RPF personnel visited the victims house and they also ransacked the place. The trio then took him in a car. Before leaving the place, the kidnappers threatened the victims' family with dire consequences if they reported the matter to the police. When the matter was brought to our notice by the complainant; we activated our surveillance mechanism. Finally, it helped us in tracing the location of the abductors. We then laid a trap and sent a policeman as decoy to nab the accused. Ultimately, the trio were arrested and later produced before court."
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Earlier, the abductors of the cloth merchant and his relative were frequently changing their locations while asking for the ransom amount over phone. While searching for the whereabouts of the abductors, the mobile tower location was traced to near a hotel in Saheed Nagar locality. Finally, the police zeroed in on the kidnappers and arrested them.